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26’ Olympic fishing boat (Tacoma, WA)

26’ Olympic fishing boat Starbird Bow

26’ Olympic fishing boat

 giving away for free (no trailer).

Classic sought after platform.

started working on this project but no longer have time.

It’s a great boat and will be amazing for the right person with the time to refurbish it.

It is currently on the hard - it is not functional (no propulsion etc.) and will need a good amount of work.

 have cleaned out all the foam and stringers -

they were heavily rotten and will need to be replaced before new decking can be put down.

The transom will need work as well before it can be structurally sound.

it’s a great blank canvas with heaps of potential.

If you’re interested, please reach out and we can coordinate pick up.

You will need to arrange the pick up including a trailer to haul it.

Will consider delivering this to the right person within a very reasonable distance at an additional cost.

26’ Olympic fishing boat no trailer