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Gone - Free 37' IRWIN MKIII sailboat (Slidell LA)


Irwin MKIII 37

Image for refrence only



Irwin MKIII 37'
A project I started on but just cannot continue with because of too many other projects.

It's a good boat if you aim at fixing it up or even if you wish to scrap it for the parts to sell or the metal.

The keel alone could fetch you an awesome profit if you have the means to get that lead balast.

Personally, I think if this boat was fixed up it would be a beauty.

I have the documents you will need to transfer ownership as well as the owners manual and several blueprint copies to get you a full picture if you are to go the route of fixing it up.

I can show you my plan of action of fixing this boat up, to help you in your plan.
This is FREE.


Irwin 37-3 Refrence

Free 37' IRWIN MKIII sailboat